A Day for Giving Thanks
This holiday is predicated upon kindness, the kind that helps bond our communities and makes us stronger.
It is that time of year again. The smell of turkey is in the air, the bands are preparing to march down Broadway, and hopefully, there is a beagle somewhere preparing to win the National Dog Show. As we prepare to sit down with family and friends and enjoy a seemingly endless supply of fall delicacies (my favorite being Stoffers stuffing), we all should take some time to reflect back on the year and the things we are grateful for.
To begin, I am forever grateful to the state of Florida for the education they have provided me. To be sitting in my college apartment free of charge while I write this is truly spectacular.
I am thankful to my family, as always. Without them, I would not be who I am. I certainly would not be able to spend my free time writing for you.
I am forever thankful to the kind people of National Review. Over the summer, I was blessed to participate in their internship program, the opportunity of a lifetime for an aspiring writer such as myself.
Finally, I am grateful to my editor here. Justin Stapley has been a friend and mentor my entire fledgling career. He will continue to be so well into my future. (For the hecklers in the crowd, no, I do not merely say this because I am publishing on his site)
One final thought: many of these people were complete strangers to me less than a decade ago. Their kindness and willingness to indulge the visions of an aspiring young writer have put me in the position I am today. Never discount the kindness of strangers, folks. This holiday we celebrate was predicated on that kindness. That kindness helps bond our communities and makes us stronger still today. Be kind to the people you don’t know, and be thankful for their kindness in return.
Scott Howard is an undergraduate student at the University of Florida where he studies political science. An alumnus intern of National Review, he is currently an Editor at Lone Conservative and volunteers as an Associate Editor for the Freemen News-Letter. @ConservaMuse