Hamas Is an Enemy to Freedom
The Freemen Foundation condemns Hamas for its acts of savagery and terrorism.
Last weekend, the people of Israel experienced unspeakable horror. Hamas terrorists, operating, once again, according to their genocidal commitment to the destruction of Israel, committed what can only be described as vile and despicable acts of genocide against the Jewish people.
It shocks the senses that eighty years after the Holocaust, the people of Israel must still wrestle with the terror of watching their friends and family mercilessly dragged from their homes and shot in cold blood. The beating hearts of all freemen in America and throughout the world cry out in righteous anger at the senseless death and pure evil perpetrated by men so clearly consumed by hatred and inhumanity. Targeting people and calling for their extermination based on their race, creed, or religion is the antithesis of everything America, and the Freemen Foundation, believe. We empathize with any people who are targeted because of their faith or ethnic background.
The acts of depravity and barbarism Hamas used against women, children, and whole families discredit any (perceived) legitimate claims Palestinians have. This kind of warfare is familiar to the history of centuries long past. Only failed states and terrorist organizations behave in this manner in our modern world. The nations of the world need to stand in objection of any who would use these methods to gain power.
Throughout the world, there are many voices crying out for peace, and understandably so. But, as the Jewish people have come to know through a long history of pogroms and attempted genocide, true and lasting peace is often only found on the other side of war. Certain enemies, like the Nazis of old, have no interest in peace and will continue to shatter any attempts at peace with blood and carnage until their wicked designs are wholly undone.
The creeds of the American founding hold that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” and that when freemen anywhere face “a long train of abuses and usurpations” of these unalienable rights “it is their right, it is their duty” to oppose such terror and tyranny by the sword.
And so, by unanimous voice of the Freemen Foundation’s Executive Board, we condemn Hamas and their co-conspirators for their savagery and their acts of terrorism and voice our support to Israel and to Jewish freemen, who, by right and duty, shall wage just war upon their attackers. Not only this, we also voice the recognition that Hamas is also an enemy of the Palestinian people, who are being used as human shields behind which Hamas hides and plans its reign of terror. Not only the Israeli people but the Palestinian people will be best served by the defeat of Hamas.
Further, we reject and denounce those in America cheering the actions taken by Hamas. Such a response represents the worst America’s polity has to offer. Any interest group, political organization, institution of higher learning, or informal group of American citizens who has celebrated this mass murder of civilians stands condemned before the laws of nature and nature’s God. We call upon all American citizens to speak out against anyone who would so betray the values of a freedom-loving nation.
As this conflict continues and likely escalates, let us join together, hoping and praying for peace through victory.
(As part of our support for Israel's efforts to end the terrorist threat on the freedom and peace of its people, the Freemen News-Letter will be running a host of submissions from our various freelance contributors throughout the day. If you would like to offer your own statement of support or analysis, you may fill out a submission form here).
The Freemen Foundation is a 501(c)3 compliant non-profit endeavor based in Utah. Its mission is to renew and conserve American constitutionalism, and the Freemen News-Letter is its flagship media effort to provide a platform for discussing and debating America’s written and unwritten constitutions. @FreemenFndn