"Rewarding the Rich and Punishing Everyone Else"
Certain political phrasing on economic issues could very well be positing the inverse of reality, and shrinking rather than expanding the middle class.
You often hear economic messages from the left about rebuilding the economy "from the bottom up and the middle out" as opposed to their charge that right-centric economics tends to simply reward the rich and punish everyone else.
The problem with their messaging is the reality that leftist hardline policies against the rich rarely succeed in their intended outcomes because the rich have the lawyers necessary to navigate restrictive government policy and the lobbyists to influence centralized economic control, while the majority of the economic consequences of such policy and control falls upon the middle class who have neither, both shrinking its size and making it harder for the lower class to ascend to the middle class.
The truth is that restrictive government policy and top-down centralized economic control from government creates a form of corporatism that rewards the rich and punishes everyone else.
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