To Grow Freely, Resist the 'New Right'
Republicans have fallen in love with interventionist government economic policy. They should fight that urge.
Editors note: published here is a link to Vance Ginn’s recent article with AIER, free to read. Here is an excerpt:
The path forward for sound policy is to embrace a pro-growth approach championed by the American Institute for Economic Research, Club for Growth’s Freedom Forward Policy Handbook, Americans for Tax Reform’s Sustainable Budgeting, among others. Reducing government spending, taxes, regulations, and the money supply will unleash abundance.
By recommitting to pro-growth principles, the GOP can present a compelling alternative to the electorate and pave the way for a more prosperous future. Or, it can follow the “New Right” down the progressive road to serfdom.
Vance Ginn, Ph.D., is president of Ginn Economic Consulting, chief economist or senior fellow at multiple state thinks across the country, host of the Let People Prosper Show, and previously the associate director for economic policy of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, 2019-20. Follow him on Twitter @VanceGinn.