Respect. I deeply appreciate the sharp moral clarity and strength of character that comes through this piece and previous essays. I've been politically progressive most of my adult life (though I grew up in a moderately conservative family) but have come to the same conclusions after being appalled by the moral hysteria that has overtaken the left in recent years. One of the ways I like to think about the situation is that we need the emergence of a new kind of "integral" left and "integral" right, which describes people who still at their core identify primarily as progressive or conservative, but who recognize the dead-end of the extremism at both ends of the spectrum and are reaching for a higher synthesis. I like this more than appeals to the 'center' which can seem like a tepid compromise that lacks principled strength. Anyway, I share your prayer for divided government -- and I suspect that there are indeed going to be surprises and disappointments for both sides come Tuesday.

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