Oct 3, 2023Liked by Justin Stapley, Nikola Kedhi

“ This regime replaced the individual with the homo sapiens as a mere statistic, who was part of the herd, and as such, more easily subject to submission. Hence, the individual had to obey, trust only in the Party and the Dictator, and choose them above anything, even before family.”

Collectivism taken to its logical endpoint.

“ The United States has been moving away from capitalism and free markets and towards a more centralized system with high degrees of interventionism. Wherever and whenever this approach has been tried in history, it has led to social unrest, economic decline, and even total collapse.”

A point far too many Americans fail to recognize. The “neoliberals” haven’t been running the show in America. Our economy is less free today than it was in the 1990s.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Justin Stapley, Nikola Kedhi

It would help the U.S. immensely if it could relearn to elect government officials who treated their offices with the gravity they deserve.

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