Thank you, Justin. I am from Florida & we had a condo there, beginning in 2014, so I had the opportunity to vote for DeSantis for Rep, & Gov. I BELIEVE that the things which he did as Governor, which have been criticized, were enacted through the Florida legislators & within his power to do. He is VERY intelligent, has an awesome educational & military resumé, but I think his campaign faltered for two reasons... 1) He is NOT a good campaigner. 2) He has tried too hard NOT to offend the moveable Trump Republicans. There is no doubt in my mind that he would be a better President than any of the apparent Democrat, Republican, or Independent candidates at this point. He's not perfect, but far, far better than those choices, don't you think so? I hope he can "find his voice"!

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Pence and Haley style and substance better reflect my political leanings, but I wouldn't have a problem supporting DeSantis if he is the consensus non-Trump candidate. However, I think you're right in your analysis that he has campaigned quite poorly. In fact, I think that even if he does "find his voice" it could very well be too late. I've yet to see any sign that his downward trajectory is going to end and, meanwhile, Haley continues to rise. Of course, only time will tell.

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